Take Back The Streets; Take Back the Government; Take Back the Country

11 12 2007


Seen on Elizabeth Wong’s blog: photos and videos of opposition leader Tian Chua being assaulted, dragged out of his car and taken away by PDRM-Gestapo thugs near Parliament this morning. According to (independent) reports, the car he was in was later found torched. Draw your own conclusions from that.


Fellow citizens of Malaysia, this is your government.


[ poster by mob1900 ]

Friends and fellow citizens,

You must have seen the heavy police presence on the streets of KL this morning.

You may even have seen the ‘news’ on Rangkaian Televisen BN (RTBN, a.k.a. ‘RTM’, ‘TV3’, etc) or God forbid, the New Straits Times or The Star.

On the order of The High Hypocrite Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, roadblocks were set up and several top opposition leaders and human rights lawyers and civil society activists were arrested while trying to exercise their democratic rights: attempting to submit a memorandum to Parliament opposing the term extension of the current Election Commission chief, Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman, who doesn’t even try to pretend he isn’t an UMNO lapdog.

Over 20 BERSIH leaders have been detained this morning (some have been released), plus 8 lawyers arrested on Sunday (Human Rights Day), plus several opposition and civil rights lawyers arrested yesterday in a nationwide sweep.


If, confused by the propaganda mill of the UMNO-BN regime, you still don’t know what BERSIH is, or believe govt propaganda and think that BERSIH is a terrorist organisation linked to Al-Qaeda, the CIA, Mossad, Tamil Tigers, etc, let me tell you:

BERSIH is a coalition of over 70 NGO’s and civil rights organisations campaigning for free and fair elections in Malaysia, for we all know that UMNO-BN is such a good government, even dead people come back to vote for UMNO in this wonderful country.


HINDRAF is a group speaking for the Indian people, who have been sold down the river by Samy Vellu and the MIC for decades.

See the video of the lawyers’ march and subsequent arrest on Human Rights Day last Sunday near the Central Market.

We want our rights back. As citizens, as human beings.

The past month has seen an unprecedented and increasingly desperate assault by the Badawi administration on the civil liberties of the people of Malaysia.

If by now we still cannot see, or worse, refuse to see the ugly truth of what is happening in this country NOW; the fact that Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, UMNO and the PDRM-Gestapo are turning Malaysia into a fascist state, where the slightest dissent is tantamount to ‘treason’, then we may as well go to North Korea and start singing praises for Dear Leader Kim Jong-il, for that is what we will become if we do not make a stand now.

Of course, the very fact that we refuse to subscribe to UMNO-BN’s ‘reality’ and Rangkaian Televisyen BN’s ‘truth’ makes us ‘criminals and terrorists’ in the feeble mind of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, a gentle monster who is well on his way to becoming the next Nikolai Ceausescu and Kim Jong-il.

Contrary to the propaganda mill, in every instance of the past few street protests, the violence was instigated and initiated by the Polis diRaja Malaysia and the FRU, firing tear gas and chemical sprays without provocation into a gathering of peaceful protestors who wanted nothing more than to demonstrate their discontent at the inequalities and discrimination they have suffered for decades.

You don’t need to to take my word for it; If you haven’t already seen it, just go and see the evidence on YouTube and search for ‘BERSIH rally 10 Nov’, ‘HINDRAF rally 25 Nov’, ‘Al-Jazeera HINDRAF report’, ‘Human Rights March Malaysia’ etc.

The judiciary is such a joke that Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail (another unapologetic UMNO lapdog) was mockingly laughed down at a press conference packed with lawyers. The fact is that the government has declared war on the Bar Council, along with all of us who refuse to submit.

How much more abuse must we suffer before we say that “Enough is enough!”?

The government serves us — the people — not the other way around. When the government of the day fails, it is our right to throw it out and replace it. When the government manipulates elections and suppresses the media, it tramples on the rights of the people.

Exercise your democratic right. Reclaim those rights that the govt has taken away from you. Throw out this rotten government.

There comes a time when silence is betrayal.

I’ve made my choice.

Make your choice. Now.

Take back the streets, take back the government and take back the country from the criminals that run it. Or, submit quietly and live as slaves of a fascist regime.

M for Malaysia:


Independent reports:








3 responses

11 12 2007

im in, enough is enough

11 12 2007
Badawi Pwned Us | Malaysians Say The Darndest Things!

[…] MPs Stage Walkout (The Malaysian) Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown (Ktemoc Konsiders…) Take Back The Streets; Take Back the Government; Take Back the Country […]

12 12 2007

Welcome back to the blogosphere. I’m sorry your return could not come under better circumstances, though.

I’m just so totally PISSED right now. Even our votes count for zilch! And Abdullah The-Holier-Than-Thou-Hypocrite Badawi says street rallies are not our culture, with the gestapo enforcing his words. And my parents have forbidden me from blogging.

[ GhL ] : Everything we predicted about the increasing totalitarianism in Malaysia earlier has come to pass, far quicker than anyone thought likely. If The High Hypocrite would care to flip through a real history book and read the entry under ‘Nikolai Ceausescu’, he might just learn something about the people’s anger.

We are angry.

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